Six Hard Love lessons on Rebound, Avoidant Attachment and Bipolarity

How to navigate your new relationship without losing yourself on the dancefloor of life

Lucien Lecarme


Photo by Alain Bonnardeaux on Unsplash

In my relentless quest for love, life puts constant roadblocks on my roadmap to happiness.

My latest episode is about dating a wonderful woman for half a year until the shit started to hit the fan.

I attracted my twin flame but she was rebounding, has avoidant attachment issues and might be bipolar as well.

This is the story of abandonment fear meeting avoidant attachment

Let me share six hard love lessons so far so you might do better when you’re in a similar situation.

It all started with a massive physical attraction we both could not resist.

It started with a dance.

It started with a dance

After coming back to Holland nine months ago, I started dancing tango in Germany. Salons are bigger, have more people, and you get more wine for cheaper prices. It’s just a different culture that I like.

And there she was. Asking me to dance from the first moment she laid her deep brown eyes on me.



Lucien Lecarme

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