Six (More) Weird New Dating Trends Every Single Should Know

Dating With Confidence Series #4

Wendy Scott


Photo by Alexis Mora Angulo on Unsplash

Dating is fun but can be pretty scary because you never know who your date might turn out to be. They could be your soulmate, a potential friend, or someone you don’t click with at all.

“If someone mucks you about or imitates a zombie, a paperclip, or a submarine, ditch them.”

There are now all sorts of crazy dating trends that you need to know about if you date online.

I’ve written about ghosting, hardballing, roaching and stashing, now here are six more dating trends you need to be aware of:

1. Dry Dating

Think again if you feel that dating and drinking go hand in hand. Dry dating is the new craze for 2022.

This new trend has daters being more mindful of how they date, including not drinking.

During covid dating changed significantly as pubs, bars, and restaurants were closed. Daters had to be more creative and come up with outdoor activities such as walking on the beach.

This has led to people preferring to spend a first date sober rather than using alcohol as a social lubricant.



Wendy Scott

L&D professional writing practical, step-by-step leadership and training & development articles to help leaders, managers & trainers grow their careers.