Six Simple Reasons Why Writing Is So Hard

Writing need not be a hard thing to do, but it is so difficult to write.

Chandrani Anantharaman


Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Writing is hard. Some people sail through it writing a 1500-word article in no time, while others spend hours over a 200 words snippet. I adore writing, but I also agonize over it. From the time I force myself to sit down to write till I press the ‘send button,’ the journey feels much like pulling your teeth out, only in this case, pulling out the exact words that make the perfect sense.

Most people advise it gets better with practice. Yes, writing sure gets easier with practice. You get a better flow of words and ideas. Still, the very idea of sitting down to write gives me a panic attack. I never get that much resistance from any other task than making an effort to write.

As Hemingway said,” There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly; sometimes it’s like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges.”

Writing is a simple act of putting your thoughts and ideas on paper. It requires a quiet place and a pen and paper or a laptop, and you can fill up the pages with great written pieces. Then why does it feel so complicated and intimidating that days can pass before you can sit down to make an effort of writing?

