Six Things You Need to Practice Yoga at Home

How to keep up your practice, even if your yoga studio is closed.

Rose Bak


Photo by Anupam Mahapatra on Unsplash

Across the country, yoga studies are going online or closing altogether. The pandemic has hit these studios hard, particularly since so many of them were already operating on a shoe-string.

If you can’t attend in-studio classes, there’s no reason to stop practicing. You can still get all the benefits of live classes from the comfort of your home — with a little flexibility.

Here are some things you will need to take a yoga class from home:

  1. A practice space: Most people don’t have an entire room to dedicate to yoga, but before you sign up for a class, figure out the best place in your house to set up. You’ll want to make sure there’s enough space for you to stretch out full length with your hands above your head or out to the side, both when you’re standing or laying down. Also think about the space’s proximity to things that might disturb you, like the front door or the kitchen.
  2. A laptop or tablet: You can watch class from your phone, but it’s better if you have a larger screen like a laptop or tablet. This will make it easier for you to see what the instructor is doing, especially since they can’t come over to you and assist you like they would do in a live…



Rose Bak

Rose Bak is a freelance non-fiction writer as well as the author of more than 50 books. Find Rose's books at .