Six Ugly Truths I Discovered While Writing Online

Zahoor Ali
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2024
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

People who have experimented with writing on the internet will attest that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There are a number of unpleasant realities that writers frequently face behind well-written pieces and captivating content. I’ll be transparent and not sugarcoat or conceal six unpleasant realities I found out about when writing for the internet in this piece.


With so many people sharing their ideas, experiences, and knowledge on many platforms, writing online has grown in popularity. However, there are certain uncomfortable realities that writers have to face in the midst of the appeal of being well-known and reaching a large audience.

truth 1: there is too much content.

With millions of fresh articles being published every day, the internet is a vast knowledge base. Standing out in this sea of content might sometimes seem unattainable. Your writing will always run the risk of being overlooked, regardless of how clever or unique it is.

The Challenging Process of Being Identifiable

In a world where readers’ attention spans are limited and competition is fierce, writers must understand how to pique and maintain readers’ interest.

This frequently entails going above and beyond to provide viewers with original, worthwhile information.

Truth 2: SEO Challenges

Making sure that your material appears highly on search engine results in pages requires search engine optimization or SEO. Navigating search engines’ constantly evolving algorithms, however, may be a difficult undertaking. Writers are always on their toes because what works one day cannot work the next.

Truth #3: Situations Regarding Plagiarism

In a society where knowledge is easily available, there is often a great temptation to steal ideas. But being discovered might have dire repercussions, damaging your credibility and reputation as a writer.

Subheading: Copying’s Dangers

In the online realm, ethical writing norms are set in stone. Writers ought to try to produce original material that furthers the conversation. Thankfully, there are many resources available to help writers avoid accidental plagiarism and remain faithful to their work.

Truth #4: The Anguish of Stuck Writing

It’s a terrible illness that every writer has experienced: writer’s block. Staring at a blank page when you’re uninspired, anxious, or depressed is incredibly frustrating.

Subheading: Fighting Against the White Page

Truth #5: Problems with deadlines

A constant struggle for many writers is meeting deadlines. Getting behind schedule can be harmful, regardless of the cause — procrastination or unforeseen circumstances.

Subheading: Time-Based Competition

Managing your time well is essential to meeting deadlines. Setting realistic goals, breaking down assignments into manageable chunks, and avoiding distractions are some strategies writers can use to ensure that their work is delivered on time.

Truth #6: Doubt and Criticism of Oneself

Since writing can be such a solitary endeavor, putting your work out there may leave you feeling vulnerable to criticism. One inevitable part of writing is dealing with criticism and self-doubt.

Subheading: Managing Acceptance and Decline

Developing as a writer requires being able to distinguish between criticism that is helpful and personal assaults. Managing the ups and downs of the writing journey requires the ability to accept criticism as a chance for growth and to become resilient in the face of rejection.

Coping Mechanisms

Despite the difficulties involved in writing online, there are a number of coping mechanisms that authors can use to succeed in this cutthroat environment.

Subheading: Strategies for Surmounting Obstacles

Several strategies exist for navigating the challenges of online writing with grace and resilience, including asking for help from other authors, keeping a good work-life balance, and improving your art through ongoing education.

In summary

Although there are undoubtedly difficulties associated with writing online, there are also a ton of chances for development and self-expression. Writing process unpleasant realities might help authors better prepare for the path ahead and, in the end, come out stronger and more resilient.



Zahoor Ali

| Content Creator | Article Writer | TikToker | Video Editor | Foodie | Social Worker | Social Media Activist | Optimist | MS Social Work from UK.