Skip the Ego

Know when to hide your strengths

3 min readFeb 24, 2024


Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

Insecurity is something many people have, including people who seemingly are at the top.

These people might be some of the most insecure people you have ever met, here’s why:

They fear someone overperforming them.

They want to keep their status at the top, whether that be in wealth, power, or popularity.

If someone who has the potential to overthrow them in their position arrives, they will not be so welcoming.

If they find that someone is able to overtake them, they will retaliate.

They have not been overtaken yet, they still have power, so they will get rid of the approaching threat while they still can.

It’s jealousy, they know you could have the chance to overtake them, and they will not bear the thought.

So, what should you do instead?

Photo by Anthony Tori on Unsplash

Play into it.

Do not make yourself look better.

If you do not appear as a threat to them, they will not feel threatened.

Even if you do want to surpass them, you need to play into the act.

Put yourself down, do not flaunt your achievements or show off your strengths.

Instead attribute your strengths to them, and make them feel better than you.

Play into their ego, secure their insecurities.

Make them feel like you are an ally, you do not have the charisma or wealth to surpass them.

They will not feel threatened this way, and when they eventually start to lose their monopoly, you come over.

You have to play the long game.

People want to feel praised, they want to feel better, and they want to feel good about themselves.

Photo by Joan Kwamboka on Unsplash

Imagine you are a star in the solar system, and this person who has status is the sun.

You should not outshine the sun.

Make the sun shine brighter instead.


Look at their flaws, or just what you are better at.

Now do not point those out.

And do not attribute those flaws to yourself, we do not want to make ourselves look bad.

Instead, take those flaws that they have, and shine the spotlight away from them.

If you are smarter than them, make them feel smart.

Be naive, play along.

These people have more power than you, if you can get yourself on their side, then you are safer.

But if you do get onto their side, do not think that you are completely free.

You need to wait till the sun stops shining before you can shine in its place.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash


  • Don’t make yourself look better than people with power
  • Instead, make them look better
  • Wait till the sun stops shining before you shine in its place




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