Sleep Procrastination

Published in
Nov 17, 2020


A poem about induced sleep deprivation.

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

It’s this moment in the night,
when I put my phone away and saunter in
to a dimly lit room and unleash my aching fingers
to dance atop a keyboard whispering my dreams,
of words and thoughts, scattering in my mind,
scattering throughout my veins,
wishing to stop time.
So I can write,
a small respite-
though this tired mind,
just wants to sleep
but sleeps too busy veiling itself behind soft sheets,
and sunken pillows,
I fluff and tuck so the feathers stay within
the skin of the place I rest my head,
for now — not now, never now.
Oh, sleep is fool’s dream.


