Slumber Wake

Andrew Okri
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2022


Dream to live

Photo by Eduardo padilha on Unsplash

I walk the woken world
Living a dream or a nightmare
Or merely being
An actor in a woken play
A dramatic occasion
Of historic progression
The soft solid of ambient forms
Or recurrent echos of transient words
Spoken in surreal acts
That fade away with news cycles

We sleep to dream
In slumber’s wake
The wield of measured vividities
To stand amid our bosom meld
Of mind tormented visions
Or hoofd enchanted bliss
The soft solid of dreamy forms
Or woolly echo of transient words
Spoken in cerebral acts
That fade away with sleep cycles

The dream catcher twirls
A naughty dance of contortion
In deep charred dusk
Ladened with premonitions
And kicks his dust
The sandman’s spray
As Feathered tails filters
Ether streams to catch
Ancestorial waves of tells
Or vivid mimes of living memory

From piqued blightly summary
Your demons stomp
To Noctowl’s chimes
Of tales of diurnal past
Blurry blends of errant jiffies
And sudden drops
To gaea’s palms
A fleeting pang of sleeping memory

Pray hearken, the feline patter
Restless winds slamming
Nyx harbinger wailing
The coming of Moir
Barefooted sisters dance
The twilight ensemble

Clotho’s loom claps
The fabled song of life
On lay of welt of mortal souls
Atropos’ scisssors snips
The tired warp of mortal threads
Flukey random boon
Lachesis’ measure sprinkles

Under the lonely moon
Where short shadows flicker
And the dank night blows
Black capes of hasty night walkers
The dim sighted with boozy swagger
And Somnos’ agents in scanty dress
Sleepless dwellers of obscure darkness

To the wise in warm beds
The dream sayer whispers
The tranquil place of idillia
On fluffy cloud laid
With worries put at bay
As time’s mare trots
And the colourful scenes unfold
The night owl’s tale in dreamy slumber



Andrew Okri

A poet of the copious jiffy. A student of life’s philosophies, technologist, mathematician and musician.