A small book can be a big marketing tool.

Small Books = Big Results

Do you have information to share that is more than an article but less than a typical 200- or 300-page book? Consider turning that into a small book.

Jacquelyn Lynn
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2020


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Small books are exactly that — short, small books that address a narrow topic. They’re typically quick to write and inexpensive to produce.

For example, after you’ve done the writing, editing, and design work, a 30–40 page 5x8 book will cost you about $2.15 per copy with no minimum print run using a print-on-demand service like KDP.

If you’re in business, small books are a marketing tool that is far more powerful than brochures or white papers. They establish you as an author and expert in your field. And they’re keepers. By that, I mean that people are often quick to toss brochures but they rarely throw books away.



Jacquelyn Lynn

Inspirational author, business ghostwriter. Need some great quotes? Get “A Book of Proverbs: Wisdom of the Ages” free. Download at CreateTeachInspire.com/wisdom