Profitable Content to Product Tips

From Article to “Mini-Workbook”

Do so much more with your articles…

Jeff the Content Profit Coach
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2022


Photo by eleni koureas on Unsplash * Content Profit Nation

I wrote this article to help you do more with your articles. Doing more with your articles includes making more money. So let’s take a look at one little known way to cash in on your content.

From Article to “Mini-Workbook”

This is done is 3 super simple steps:

Step 1: Create your article: While it helps to create articles with 3 or more points, you can use this with any article.

Step 2: Create a series of “action questions” designed to get your prospect into action. Examples:

“Which tip stood out to you the most?”

“Which tip will you act on first?”

“Will you start right away?”

Step 3: Under each question add a few lines where your reader can answer the action questions and make notes.

Now you’ve created a “mini-workbook” you can sell for anywhere between $7 and $27. As always, I could make this harder for you, but why?



Jeff the Content Profit Coach

Create online content & covert it into profitable digital products with my exclusive Content Profit System => No Experience Necessary