Smart Writers are Starting (Free) Newsletters

And making all their dreams come true

Kyle Chastain


Photo by on Unsplash

Blogging is dead.

Let’s just get that out of the way right here and now.

I don’t mean writing online is dead — that’s different. In fact, this is one of the best times in history to be a writer because you have a potential audience of billions.

But starting your own website, writing content, optimizing for SEO, and getting people to read it? Dead.

Sure, you can still do it. But other writers using other methods will rocket past you.

So, what can you do?

Well, there are several things — most of which involve writing on some type of social media platform. But the best thing you can do to invest in your writing future is to start a newsletter.

I know, email… ick!

But a helpful, well-written newsletter can help you create a base of loyal readers. And that’s just the beginning.

Give Algorithms the Boot

Algorithms suck. We all know it’s true.

If you write online, you’re pretty much at the mercy of the almighty algorithm. At best, you’ll have to tailor your writing to whatever the algorithm will promote. At worst, you…



Kyle Chastain

On a mission to become a better writer and storyteller | Building my "Insight" newsletter to 10k+ | Create the life you want: