
Larry Nowicki
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2020


Photo by Juli Kosolapova on Unsplash

I thought I did it for the claps

After I put up an article and it’s published I look for the claps. I thought I did it for The claps. I enjoy the claps they make me smile.

I put up an article and waited for the claps. I guess I got impatient they didn’t come quick enough. As I sat and thought about it I smiled.

I realized I didn’t do it for the claps. I did it to make someone smile.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a happy smile or a sad smile. The smile is the important thing.

If you remember something and it made you happy, you smile.

If it’s a sad memory just the memory of it could make you smile. You made it through whatever made you sad. You survived.

All being said at the end of the day if I made someone smile that’s why I wrote it…. even if that someone it’s me.

I did it to make someone smile. It’s strong medicine.

Thanks for reading. You could have spent your time elsewhere but you choose to be here.

To show my appreciation here’s a LINK to receive a complimentary copy of my Awareness ebook

I thought I was a Student. I’m really a Seeker.

I’m Larry Nowicki the KISS Specialist. What do you want me to kiss for you today?

Keep It Silly Simple.



Larry Nowicki

👄The KISS Specialist👄 👍simple makes it easy 😉break it down to basics Keep It Simple Skills.