So, ILLUMINATION, What’s In a Birthday Anyway?


Joe Luca


Pixabay Image — Pexels

I kind of remember my first birthday. Propped up in a highchair; familiar faces all around and a cake that was on fire being placed in front of me. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was supposed to do with it. Pour my cup of milk over it to put out the flames, maybe? Everyone around me began pursing their lips and blowing, which for a one-year-old, was really quite amusing. So, I did the same. I can’t say that I liked it, but what did I know.

That went on for a minute or so, until I accidently blew out a candle and that seemed to do the trick. Everyone applauded and laughed and started handing our pieces of the cake. Which was as I recall, filled with chocolate pudding, so, all in all not so bad.

Which brings us back to 2021 and the reason for this article.

Birthdays are for celebration, with or without cakes and candles. But often, the celebration itself takes center stage and not the reason behind it.

ILLUMINATION is a publication on a platform called Medium. It’s officially a year old and doing quite well, thank you. It’s grown larger than most do in their first year. Well above the normal curve for such things and as it grows, as it takes on new writers and new topics and spreads its message around the platform, it’s a good time to take a moment…



Joe Luca

Top Writer in Humor and Satire. I love words. Those written, and those received. I’m here to communicate & comment. To be a part of a greater whole.