So It Turns Out Size Really Doesn’t Matter At All

Tent size, that is. Specifically, the allegedly huge size of the Republican tent

Gippolito Ndp


Photo by Cindy Chen on Unsplash

For most of my life I’ve been hearing about how the Republican Party has a very “big tent.” I started my voting life in the Republican tent, but was only there for a few years. In 1981 the GOP got caught doing some rather nasty things regarding a Gubernatorial election, and I decided to exit the tent.

I keep hearing the “big tent” thing, and in thinking about it, have come to several conclusions.

First, especially of late years, when I hear some GOP’er spouting about his big tent, I can’t help envisioning a carnival or circus tent, complete with slick-tongued barker, wanting to get us inside to get our money. Or, perhaps a so-called Christian revivalist tent, wanting to get us inside to get our money — healing by nostrum or by prayer, or playing with snakes, or whatever, all at a different cost.

I try not to be too cynical, but this is what comes to my mind when I hear about the Republican big tent. Sadly, getting money out of people doesn’t even require a tent anymore, thanks to the internet and very-tricky boxes in the sign up pages — hence tent size is not so important.



Gippolito Ndp

Dad, G-dad, veteran, semi-retired lawyer, archaeologist, writer