Quick Tip

So Many Stories to Read, Where Do You Start?

Here are some suggestions that I’ve tested before choosing the one that works best for me.

Karen Madej
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2020


Have you found it impossible to keep up with every single fabulous person who has clapped for, read, and responded to your stories?

I’ve tried keeping lists of fans on Notes, an Excel spreadsheet, and randomly picking stories from the Daily publications from the Dr. But I often forget to update my notes and spreadsheet and trying to pick a story from huge lists is like trying to eat only one biscuit. I cannot do it!

In this fifth month, after starting to write and engage on Medium, I realised I was not satisfied with randomly selecting stories and articles. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to reciprocate kind words and encouragement.

I experimented.

My first thought was to click to the right of the clapping hands on a popular article and find out who clapped for me and then click on their profile and return the honour.

A third of the way through I Would Be a Spirit-Ghost by Trista Ainsworth, it struck me that I might need a few days to work my way…

