So This Is Christmas

Old John Lennon song still hits all the right notes

John Whye


Photo by Super Panel on Unsplash

In a way, it is hard to believe it’s really true. Christmas is over. I had a great one. How about you? We have all week to re-sort, hash out, and reconstruct the days, weeks, and year before. All the frantic preparations. the lists, the cards, the wrapping, and the openings of the festive presents.

The excitement and anticipation and the adrenaline rush all focused on a single day in the flurry of excitement, anticipation, and fulfillment of the height of the holiday season. It’s all over now for another year.

In his brilliant song “So This Is Christmas, “ perhaps John Lennon caught the angst, the agony, the glory, and the anticipation the best. To paraphrase Lennon slightly, this was a song about peace and love in the aftermath of the Vietnam War.

It is a spiritual look at Christmas.

“So this is Christmas

And what have you done?

Another year over

A new one just begun

And so Happy Christmas,

We hope you have fun

The near and the dear ones

The old and the young



John Whye

2x Top writer, Illumination writer, retired hippie blogger, music lover, songwriter, and sports fan. A lifelong Pisces.