Lost In A Blackout Daze.

My Rosary on. I think I’m still okay.

Kira Dawn


**Photo Taken From Pixabay Free Images**

I would like to welcome you in.

Your like “I don’t know.”

Why because you heard I could be violent?

Sit Bitch!

Would you like to be dinner for my Lion?

“I never heard you were violent. I just heard you were a little off the rails is all I meant.”

Come on Kira. Pull it together.

Maybe I was the crazy train...

My mind definitely bent.

I hear screaming “Help Me Please!”

I run to see what’s going on she is tied up.

Hands and feet.

Shit I must have blacked out again.

Her vanity lead me to insanity.

Reminds me of me in all actuality.

If I let this ho go she is going straight to the cops.

What do I do?

Kira you need Jesus.

I ask him why I’m so angry.

He says because “you never completely let go of your anxiety.”



Kira Dawn

Lyrical Prose molds my soul. Journey that led me to the Gorgeous Mess of Chaos that you see. One with God. I am merely a vessel. I am authentically me. Broken.