By Klugzy Wugzy from Unsplash

Soap and oil

Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2022


Soap and oil ! One kills the other… if you’re into chemicals, you know by default that soap is made out of oil… it takes a complex process to arrive there, but eventually oil kills itself later on… is this what happens to us ? The human race is constantly tearing itself apart, divided by the process of ideation… leading some of us to be the oil and others the soap wiping others… couldn’t we just stick together like the oil molecules do.? Did we really have to dive in this division to realize that, all we’re fighting is ourselves?

By Sonika Agarwal from Unsplash

I find it absurd that these wars are usually conducted by human beings, who are manipulated by their own egoism and greed, the idea of wanting more, wanting to defend a flag, an idea, an identity… the idea that after all, during that process, do we end up self-sabotaging? Do we become our enemies and therefore the enemies of everyone else ? They say that greed and ego ends up eating you … is this what’s actually happening ?

By Brett Jordan from Unsplash

Is the first step to achieve world peace & enlightenment in individuality and taking a self-centered approach? turning inwards to find answers to our eternal questions? answering why are we doing what we’re doing? Not escaping from our reality into a bubble of addictions… consumption, sex, drugs, identity, land, borders… all of these obsessions that make us our own slaves.

This fake idea of freedom: When we can do and get whatever we want, only then we’re free! While freedom, in my opinion, is only achieved through being endless, being in union with ourselves and therefore with the universe, freedom is in becoming nothing, but also everything all at the same time. When our existence isn’t dependent on our physical being, but only achieved through it. Being here is one step towards existence, it is not existence itself. Or could it be that I am just obsessed with the denial of the fact that we’re ephemeral, we’re beings, and that one day we’ll only be a tiny piece of dust travelling through the desert? Is my thinking of existence, being outside of my body, just another form of refusal to what the reality is or might be?

Now, are we ready to face the reality that we’re all on a certain substance? That we’re manipulated into capitalism? Into productivity? Into careers, houses and fancy clothes? Into the disposal of our body; therefore through it get into another substance? How’s life supposed to be if we’re all free being ? How’s it not possible for us to live together while being completely free human being as we’re supposed to be? How can we enable our true power of consciousness? Of acceptance? Acceptance of our own beings before accepting others? How can we accept what we don’t understand; sit and relax and think deeply, ask questions, to potentially understand, to put the effort into silence and having more compassion towards ourselves and others… For how long are we going to keep tearing each other before we arrive to the point of peace?

The soap ends up wiping the oil to only the realize it wiped itself… what happens when there’s nothing more to wipe out ? What’s next?




Writing my reflections down, mostly questioning while seeking peace & truth. Passionate about music, travelling & nature.