Social Distancing Doesn’t Apply To God

so keep Him close

James Boylan


Social distancing
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Before entering the Program Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) I had no religious or spiritual background. I had been told many times that I was going to Hell for what I had done.

“Jim, God’s going to get you for that!” Seemingly, no matter what “that” was. My God from this time was a punishing, judgemental “Man” sitting on a golden throne “up there in heaven” looking down on me and pointing His finger at me.

I didn’t like this God, let alone love and go to for assistance. Ever think the same way? If yes, there is hope for you. If not, you are truly blessed!

I wanted nothing to do with this God and so never thought about Him or It at all. That is until I was in a spot and didn’t know how to get out of the pain. Then would come the “foxhole prayer.”

“God, get me out of this and I will never do it again.” Then He would get me out of it and I would, of course, do it all over again. Or He wouldn’t get me out of it and I would think that this was further evidence of God not being there for me.

Religion was not completely foreign to me. I had heard my share of preachers, ministers, and reverends speaking from the pulpit and what I believed that I was hearing was usually a plea for money for this or that project of the church.



James Boylan

"HI" Medium Top Writer Ideas. Publisher Spiritualityandrecovery. 47+ yrs sober introduced me to Spirituality.