Social Media Creeps Have Taken over LinkedIn

Ladies: be wary pervs are everywhere!

Misha Malik
2 min readJun 20, 2022


Photo by Mathilde LMD on Unsplash

Ever since I graduated in February 2022, my brother had been poking me constantly to create my LinkedIn account. He set up my profile and asked me to ‘connect’ to people and look up for job opportunities that might interest me.

Requests and messages came pouring in no less than a day and continued to for months. I accepted them thinking that I’m making professional ‘connections’ and this is how LinkedIn is supposed to work.

Boy, was I wrong!

I started receiving messages from these ‘connections’ who apparently were on this platform to either look for work or to hire. The messages were extremely inappropriate and unprofessional. They commented on my profile picture, my name, my ethnicity and even my education. I felt harassed and utterly objectified.

I had to revisit each person’s profile to be left further appalled to notice that they had been working in reputable organizations and were recommended by a lot of their connections to further verify their repute and credibility.

It would honestly make no sense for someone to use LinkedIn as a dating app or a place where you can randomly try to hit on a girl. But men on LinkedIn are trying to refurbish the platform into something else. This creates a rather uncomfortable environment for women on this platform who are just there to seek better job opportunities or to make relevant connections.

I had to filter out more than half of my list to make my space creep-free. However, new requests and new messages appear every now and then which has led me to absolutely detest using this platform. As if, Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram weren’t enough for this everyday unsolicited intrusion and harassment.

Word of advice: please keep your frustrations to other platforms where they are welcomed and entertained. LinkedIn is supposed to be a platform for professional networking and not a space where you can pick up girls to take to a shady bar for cheap drinks.

