Social Media Vs. Collective Consciousness

How best to connect to avoid climate disaster?

Faron Sage
2 min readApr 21, 2021


Still from Wake Up The World by Faron Sage

It feels like we’re sleepwalking towards social and environmental collapse, and that the only way to avert this apocalyptic future is some kind of shift in our collective consciousness — away from the old paradigms towards a new mindset.

In some ways, we’re more connected than we’ve ever been, and that can give us some hope that this mass shift could actually take place. And yet, engaging through social media seems diametrically opposed to developing an empathic collective connection. There’s no way I can work on my higher self and fundamentally tune into the prevailing spirit of the times whilst doom scrolling and thinking of clever things to say that will get me comments, likes, and followers.

So how do we reconcile connecting with and influencing one another through social media with working on the enormous shift in the collective consciousness that we’re going to need in order to prevent climate disaster and allow our incredible planet to thrive? Connecting through social media requires a huge amount of intense activity from our ‘thinking’, ‘doing’ left brains whilst connecting to a collective consciousness involves letting go of the intellectual, analytical left brain and tapping into the ‘creative’, ‘intuitive’ right brain. We can’t do both at the same time.

And yet it feels like we may need to appeal to both sides if we’re going to get to where we need to be in order to prevent climate catastrophe. We need to discuss, inform, analyse, debate, and do all the things our left brains are so good at. Having said that, my feeling is that the true change will only come about when the ‘spirit of the times' allows a major shift to take place; when our collective consciousness has shifted enough, that everybody is ready to fully embrace the change that we need. We’re going to have a hard time bringing about the transformation if we try to do so through preaching at people and coercing them into changing their ways.

So what’s the best way forward? Do we just have to juggle the two or should we spend less time online and trust in the collective consciousness to bring about the shift we need before it’s too late?

I don’t have the answer, unfortunately. But it’s a question that I’m grappling with as I try to apportion my limited time and energy for myself, my family, and the greater good.

Do let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading and for giving this your thought and attention.



Faron Sage

Socially-conscious writer & musician exploring pressing issues at the heart of 21st century life. Check out - music for a better world!