Soft Skills: What Are the Basics You Need for Success?

Sara M.
Published in
4 min readMay 29, 2021


While hard skills are great, you definitely do not want to sleep on your soft skills development! Here’s what you need to thrive after COVID-19…

Photo by Leon on Unsplash

When we think of taking a course for our self-development, often hard (technical) skills sound good. To learn to design a website, to master data analysis, to be fluent in the Japanese language.

While I was casually browsing a World Economic Forum Report, it hit me (and, yes, browsing reports is one part, albeit a small one, of my responsibilities as a content writer). It hit me that soft skills are where the value lies.

Underrated, soft skills have the potential to make you grow on a deeper level. The term soft skills cover a wide range of skills as diverse as teamwork, stress management, critical thinking, empathy, and delegation. Soft skills do more than help you better manage your time; they help you hone your abilities to resolve conflicts, solve problems, and provide excellent customer service.

Ultimately, soft skills give you confidence.

The Report intro sums it well:

As a new global recession brought on by the COVID-19 health pandemic impacts economies and labor markets, millions of workers have experienced changes that have profoundly transformed their lives within and…



Sara M.

My first love is stories | Made my passion a career | Professional writer +7 years in | Join my email list: