Software Engineering : The Missing Course

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6 min readJul 31, 2022


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Never comment your code… if you have to comment it, you didn’t write it well enough.

This was the directive my daughter got in her Software Engineering course from her professor, a Ph.D. in Computer Science.

Another ruby from this Ph.D.’s bag-of-holding: I know you don’t want to be here [in this class]. I don’t want to be here either.

And, since he didn’t really want to teach software engineering, he, well, didn’t.

Instead, he turned it into an Introduction to Java class. I’m not saying Java isn’t useful, but it’s like going into a pizzeria and ordering a Hawaiian pizza (objectively the best kind of pizza) and twenty minutes later the waiter comes out with a tray of sliced pineapple and says “I don’t like pizza, and I know you don’t like pizza, and the cooks really don’t like making pizza, so here’s some fruit. And there’s a 20% gratuity already on the bill. You’re welcome.”

I asked my daughter if her teacher addressed coupling.

She said “Huh? Ummm,” thought a while, “He might have mentioned it once in passing.”

I asked if they’d talked about the formula for calculating coupling (the Fenton and Melton metric — full disclosure: I had to look that up since I’d long forgotten).




Indie Hacker -- C++,PHP,AI,Finance,Telecom -- after 40 years in the US and Europe: you name it, I've coded it, traveled through it, or tried to ski over it.