Without good requirements analysis, your entire software development project can get off track.

Software Requirements Analysis — The Key to Developing Great Software

Dr. David Martin


Over the years, software engineers have debated the merits of different programming theory, programming languages, and even different development models. From debates about separation of application and data modules to the merits of Java vs. .NET to Agile vs. the Structure Software, user experience, and user interfaces, UX/UI engineers all over the world seek to find the ‘holy grail’ of rapid development tools to give their customers the most useful and intuitive software possible.

Except for Agile development principals, most of these discussions and debates miss their mark. They start in the middle of the development process and focus on the hardcore technical issues. What is missing in many software development efforts are substantial efforts to nail down user requirements and optimize the entire UX at the very beginning of the development effort. Agile methodologies attempt to get at this problem through the development of user stories, product backlogs, and rapid prototyping. These methods are helpful, for sure — especially rapid prototyping. But even using Agile technologies, I have seen frustration with prototyping, because critical requirements were missed at the beginning of the project.

I have had the great fortune of leading some talented developers for about six years, and have seen some…



Dr. David Martin

I write about leadership, tech, education, current affairs and life in general from Seoul, South Korea (poetry, too!). Email me at davidpmartin@mediumauthor.com