
Free Verse Poetry — The Never-Ending Poem Challenge

Pamela Simmonds


Deep in the forest all alone
I thought I would find solace

But all I found
Was sad memories
Of when we would walk this trail together
Planning our future
Thinking anything was possible
Never knowing
That your end was so near
And that our future would never come

Deep in the forest all alone
I thought I would find solace

But what I found
Was knowledge and wisdom
If only I knew then what I know now
Life might have taken a different path
I would have paid more attention
During the time we had
And never, for even one day,
Would have taken what we had
For granted
I would have treasured your presence
And shown you every day
Just how much you meant to me

Deep in the forest all alone
I thought I would find solace



Pamela Simmonds

Writing from a quintastic perspective about life experiences as a woman over 50 at