Solve One Problem, And You Keep A Hundred Others Away.

Everyone should internalize this Chinese proverb attributed to Confucius. Those who act accordingly suddenly have a much easier life.

René Junge


Photo by sebastiaan stam on Unsplash

We tend to stay out of trouble as long as we can. We postpone annoying tasks and hope that we will have more energy to deal with them later.

We come to terms with circumstances that drag us down because we are afraid to take action. Maybe the world will change someday if we just wait long enough.

When we read these words, we realize immediately that these tactics will never succeed. And yet we all act like this every day.

Some of us procrastinate more, others less, but no one is entirely unaffected.

We do this because we do not always realize the damage we are doing. What harm can it do if we leave the washing up for another day? Why shouldn’t we postpone the tax return until the last day? What can happen?

We delude ourselves by telling ourselves that we will get away with it if we procrastinate. But any problem we don’t solve today will still be there tomorrow.

Unfortunately, another problem may be added tomorrow. Suddenly we no longer have one unsolved problem, but two.



René Junge

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: