Some Days, I Feel Useless and Stuck in Analysis Paralysis

For the past couple of weeks, I have felt completely drained. I could lay in bed all day and watch movies; some days, I did that.

Sara Burdick


Today, when I woke up, I felt the same. I had no desire to get up; the last thing I wanted to do was to function as a human. I prefer to function as a blob, slowly slithering to the bathroom as needed and returning to bed.

Instead, I forced myself to do yoga, and the entire time I was doing yoga, I kept looking at how dirty my floor was. My yoga practice was horrible; I was not mindful and was distracted, mainly by the ants crawling across the floor.

It is Colombia; after all, I have bugs almost all the time. Except these ants were bothering me.

So, after my lackluster yoga performance, I made a cup of coffee and decided to mop my floor. So after I moped the kitchen, I went to the bathroom and moped.

Then I decided to shower so I could clean the bathroom; it also needed a scrub. At this point, the kitchen floor was dried, and I needed to finish the dishes, clean the counter, make breakfast, and make more coffee.

The next thing I know, I am not feeling like a human blob. I guess it is the saying ¨action begets



Sara Burdick

I quit the rat race after working as a nurse for 16 years. Travel and Storyteller. I live in Colombia.