Some Sure-Fire Ways To Develop Writing Topics

A handy-dandy list.

John Teehan


Photo by bennett tobias on Unsplash

How many times have you banged your head against your desk trying to come up with a topic to write about?

Probably more than once.

This scenario is practically unavoidable no matter how long you’ve been in the content creation game. Sometimes it feels as if we’ve said everything there is to say about a subject. Of course, this isn’t true, although it can appear that way.

Finding the best subject and angle to start with, whether for an article, essay, or blog, may be difficult.

Don’t lose hope. A vast array of resources is within easy grasp. Some of these ideas may already be familiar to you. One or two of them might be brand new.

Give them a shot. You certainly don’t have anything to lose, right?

Scroll Through Your Social Media

This can be either intentional or casual.

By that, I mean you can either sit down with a social media account such as Twitter, Instagram, or even Facebook and just scroll through posts to see what sort of things people are talking about.

If there are a lot of people talking about a specific topic, that’s a good sign you may have found an issue that resonates…



John Teehan

Writer specializing in tech, business, parenting, pop culture, and gaming. Visit for more info and rates. Twitter: @WordsByJohn2