Some things I learned

Pradip Singh
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2024


The things that I have learned and will continue learning

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

1. Life is not simple

Life is not simple. I have always wandered around thinking and saying that life is very simple. But now as I look around, learn, and think, I feel life is not simple at all. Life is complex. There are lots to learn and lots of things to do. But I am not trying to say that life is very difficult yet it can be simple and I can agree with it. Seeing the life of the saints, and monks I feel life can be very simple. But everyone is not a saint or monk. We have our own problems, our own struggles and to be a monk is another one. We have a lot to do yet we don’t know what to do, we plan a lot but never fulfill it. And we say it is due to my fate. But if we had acted when it was needed, we could have said we made our own fate but we didn’t. And there is no rule book to learn from except from our own experiences. Only after the incident, did we learn, and sometimes it is late but who cares after it happened? There is no turning back once it happens and the things that have happened cannot be changed. Life is not being kind and simple here. There is no second chance. Every step that we take should be taken with proper thinking knowing that there is no way out. We cannot wander around saying life is simple cause sometimes it is not. It is subtle and the only way out is through.

2. Human bonding is the greatest bonding

There is nothing as healing as the human touch

I have been a loner most of my life and being alone is something I cherished. Maybe it is due to Schopenhauer’s quote

A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free.

But some instances of my life made me change that perspective. Yeah, I still love and cherish being alone but having somebody at your side is just warm. At the end of the day having somebody to talk to and somebody whom you can walk with is just a blessing.

Human bonding is the greatest of all bonds and no matter what it is the strongest string that has led us across centuries. The day when the string is broken would end our civilization and it is the hope we cling onto, no matter what we stand together we can conquer everything.

3. Life is still beautiful

Life is after all beautiful. One of the most beautiful things I feel about life is I never asked to be born and even if I don't want to leave I have to. When life gives it gives very little but when it takes it takes away everything and that's the beauty, that's the lesson. I cannot hang around and wish life to happen rather I have to go out in the wild and make it happen. Life is a call for adventure and it is a journey filled with beauty, romance, pain, and above all love. When we are in the wild and connected with nature with our brothers and sisters aside journeying the long journey, it is there we touch beauty.

For now, this is it.

