Understand Why it is More Important to Fail Sometimes Than to Achieve Instant Success

The gift — and the unique opportunity that failure presents to you.

Madu Madoc


Photo by Autumn Goodman on Unsplash

Everyone has experienced failure on many occasions. Sometimes it happens when you’re certain that you’re going to succeed. While at times it happens simply because you didn’t prepare very well.

But would you have known that you didn’t prepare very well if you had succeeded outrightly? And would you have learned to avoid repeated failures if you hadn’t failed initially?

A few years ago I started a new business that I thought would be a success. But the outcome after a few weeks of commencement sent me reeling. My new business collapsed without making any big impact. I battled with guilt, and regret.

But the truth is that my startup failed because it was designed to fail and not to succeed. I believed I had done my work very well. However, a shocking surprise was lurking around the corner because the wheels of my startup can only spin for a short period of time.

You may fail to fully comprehend the gift that failure presents to you if you use a one-dimensional approach to evaluate your efforts and outcome. And for this reason you might find yourself soaked in a pool of negative emotions for…

