Song from a Secret Garden — Secret Garden (1996) — A Surreal Symphony

A boy’s story is the best that is ever told. — Charles Dickens

Riku Arikiri


Photo by Henri Pham on Unsplash

Childhood was but a distant memory flushed away in the depths of my heart. Yet one day, when the song came on the stereo of my friend’s car. The playlist of songs, symphonies that ushered the reminisce of memories old and perhaps forgotten started to rush in my mind. The score and the pace of the piano as it slowly opened the closed up layers of my heart, and thus the film of events that began to unravel, an enigmatic sense of feelings and emotions long buried inside started to reappear on my face. This feeling of joy, and sadness that brew inside my soul, the times I spent with her came back as a swift blow to my senses.

It’s the merry-hearted boys that make the best men! — Irish Proverb

I remembered her charming face, as she smiled and took care of me as a young boy, and the feelings that followed. I believe she was probably one of the most colorful of people that I…



Riku Arikiri

It’s never black or white. Sometimes there’s a bit of spicy red in there as well.