Song Lyrics

So That’s What They’re Singing

Bob Jasper


Photo by Txus Garcia on Unsplash

Several years ago, when I got my first iPhone, I downloaded the Soundhound app. At that time a local radio station played nothing but Golden Oldies, mostly from the 50s and 60s. I had great fun listening to songs from my teenage years and learning the actual lyrics.

Granted, many of the songs back then were much more intelligible than some today, but I was never good at remembering lyrics. I tried to learn the guitar and learned a few songs, but never got proficient at it. I realized after a while that I was tone deaf. This became apparent when I found I couldn’t tune the guitar.

Still, with Soundhound, I could ferret out the lyrics and actually sing along with songs. It became a fun hobby for many months. I still enjoy looking up lyrics for familiar songs and singing along. As long as no one is listening, that’s fine.

In church, when I get carried away and sing too loudly, I always get the elbow in the rib from my wife. She’s got a nice voice and is always in tune. I do love to make a joyful noise, though.

I used to think when people turned around to look they were wondering who had that great voice. Now I realize they are wondering who’s making that awful noise.

Thanks Amy for reminding me again.



Bob Jasper

My Muse is in hiding, but we cross paths from time to time. I think I gave the old guy too much grief. Maybe he quit without notice.