Song — Oh My Love

Suzanne Mondoux
Published in
1 min readMay 18, 2020


Photo source: jamie-street-C6CVXJMXwqs-unsplash

Oh My Love

Oh my love, our years of struggles to be in love.
We’ve come together you and I as one, against the odds.
Attempts to divide us, our love conquered.
You stood strong.
Oh my love, because of your love my arms spread wide and glide with ease,
The wind at my back, my feet on the ground.
I can let go and you catch me,
Oh my love, my love, our years of struggles to be in love.
My greatest fear you are taken from me.
I’m falling forward in a storm,
Looking out beyond the storm, beyond the shadow cast over our love.
Oh my love, I’m faced with my greatest fear.
There is no calm after this storm,
What can I see, what do I do?
My greatest fear has come to be.
Oh my love, forgive me, our years of struggles to be in love.
Oh my love, forgive me.
Oh my love, forgive me.
I must protect our love,
I must protect my love, my heart.

Suzanne Mondoux

From Letters from Federica

