Song/Poem of the Day — No More

Suzanne Mondoux
Published in
1 min readJul 1, 2020


Photo source: Suzanne Mondoux — my record

No More

No more time a wasting
No more waiting around for what if
To be in limbo for what may or may not come
I stand the test of time of taking charge of my own life

I rock the boat
I speak my truth
I walk my path
No more time a wasting
No more what if, or should of
Time does not bend
No coming around
It’s a straight line ahead

Headlong into the unknown
I see clearly now into whatever I create
No more standing by
No more sidelines for me
Hey you, yes, me I’m talking to
I’m right here

No more tomorrow
No more when whatever, bla bla bla
No more certainty
What a life, full of fearful bliss
Big surprises to be had
Oh ya, no more yesterdays or tomorrows
Only now baby, lets go, rock n roll into right now
I sing and dance to my favourite Queen songs
No more wasting time

Suzanne Mondoux
1 July 2020

Year 2020 collection of Song/Poem of the Day captured on my website ( Thank you to all my readers and followers. Very much appreciated.

