Mental Health | Sadness | Language

Transitioning to Hope

an exploration of words

Tree Langdon
Curated Newsletters
4 min readMay 13, 2020


image by Viktar Masalovich from Pixabay.jpg

Sadness is a deep well that fills with a cloying liquid that both fills you up and drags you down at the same time.

Spiritual anguish is a strong emotion best described in Russian as Toska. It is a deep longing, when there is nothing to yearn for, a dull ache in the soul.

It is a heaviness that numbs your limbs and makes you lie on the floor in the middle of the day, with nothing in your mind but the weight of your body and the cool tile floor.

When you lie there and listen to the world continuing on around you, the question of value, your value, rises to the surface. If you weren’t here would anyone be at all concerned. Sure, there would be some inconvenience for some, they would have to shift their needs to another person who might be willing to fulfill them. They might miss the reassurance of your voice when they call out, but they could always find another one to fill your vacant spot.

If I let myself spiral down into this sadness right now, it is deeper than anything I have felt in a long time and it is both familiar and not familiar at the same time.

Germans say lebensmude when they are tired of life, when they feel the depression of not caring. They…



Tree Langdon
Curated Newsletters

I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world.