Source of Primal Energy

Morning walks

Suma Narayan


The Sun rising behind an evergreen tree, and several coconut palms, in a sky all shades of blue, gold and peach.
Photo by author, Suma Narayan

Back from a walk.

And it is cold. It is as if my skin doesn’t know whether it should stay cold, or warm and perspiring. I have walked up the incline and I have exercised some, and the sun is grinning his great big goofy smile at me and warming up my heart and my innards.

This is what one needs to do.

Sunrise. In the foreground is a stand of trees. In the background, two tall, squat apartment blocks.
Photo by Suma Narayan

Stand straight, facing the sun. Shoulders straight, chin up, stomach in. Plant your feet slightly apart. Stretch your arms over your head. Bend back as much as you can, without falling over backwards. Keep your eyes open. Look at the sky. Can you see it? A combination of periwinkle-cerulean-teal-turqoise-ultramarine-azure. Can you? Now bend forwards till you can touch the ground. Don’t bend your knees.

Slowly, slowly, slowly.

Raise your head. Look at the risen sun. It is a quarter to seven in the morning. Red-cherry-rose-crimson-wine-brick-mahogany-berry-flamingo-watermelon-blush…and everything in between; and I haven’t even got to the orange shades. So for one second you look at the cold blues, and the next, you gaze at the warmer hues. So many colours, so many shades, and not a single shade of grey. So much life and colour and warmth that pours into you. And so much joy and a raw, tingling, pulsing feeling of being in tune with the giant beating heart of the Earth itself.

Somewhere close to all our houses, there is always a Park, or a stand of trees, or a bit of sunshine, or the moon’s playground. Like our phones and other equipment, we need a daily energy re charge, a time and space when we’re alone with nature, and among trees.

Have we charged ourselves today?

Have we had our booster energy shot?

Stay blessed.

Stay lit.

©️ 2022 Suma Narayan. All Rights Reserved.



Suma Narayan

Loves people, cats and tea: believes humanity is good by default, and that all prayer works. Also writes books. Support me at: