Member-only story
Why Aren’t You Speaking Up?
Staying neutral feels nice, but is being silent online about EVERY political issue really ok?
I don’t expect people to be as outspoken as I am. But if you never speak out for something, what’s the point of existing? Yes being a compassionate person is number one, but is it enough?
I’m very opinionated. But I’m respectful. Facts first. Civil. I never go low with personal insults. Golden Rule stuff. And I apologize if I get it wrong.
But I love sarcasm and satire if the person deserves it.
Like immigrants eating pets or God hates the gays, or kids are getting trans surgery at school. I need my sanity back when people say really stupid harmful shit.
Much of my writing is social commentary, so I put myself out there.
But the most of the time I know that engaging with icky people online isn’t worth the stress.
There’s a cesspool of angry, jealous, lonely, bitter, confused, underinformed people who feel giddy and powerful by saying shitty stuff from behind a keyboard, then getting lots of likes for being shitty. The mob vibe is euphoric for them.
Not brave. Sad.
Last year some “Christian” guy on Twitter who doesn’t believe women should be in the clergy (I know, pretty funny right?) after I commented…