Speak Your Truth

Master the art of truthful expression

Vikram Sharma
2 min readMar 13, 2023


Photo by Kaylah Matthews on Unsplash

We all are born the same, a clean slate, an empty canvas. Ever noticed how kids have no pretension? You give candy to a kid, and you get to witness the joy and purest laughter caused by happiness. Take that candy away from the same kid, and you see tears, almost instantaneously. That's because there is no shame in kids related to showing what's being felt in the moment.

But as the years go by, you go through “life”, you face rejection from people for certain things and acceptance for others.

It feels great when you are accepted and it feels terrible when you are not.

So, you play along.

In other words, you compromise your truth for the sake of being accepted. But here's a thing, YOU know your truth.

And the more you compromise, the all-knowing part of you, which is aware of all the lying, which is aware of the lack of courage, which is aware every time you chicken out, every time you comply by being untrue becomes stronger and stronger (You can run away from the world but not yourself), and you lose touch with your core you feel misaligned. This misalignment is mainly responsible for the lack of confidence, the feeling of fear, and the feeling of not belonging because you can no longer trust yourself.

As a psychologist, the thing I hear most often from people is their longing in some way or other to be more true to themselves.- Stephen Joseph


Speak your truth but also be flexible, learn, and accept when you find out that your truth is far from reality. Be humble when you find to learn about your stupidity. Do not let your ego defend your lies.

Be aware when you find yourself lying to be liked, to ‘fit in’. Think about your ‘why’, and your need to lie, this will help you understand your mind and your habit patterns. Much like a tangled rope, you need to understand the entanglements of your mind if you wish to straighten it out.

The world will reward you or punish you for your perspective, for what you have to offer, and one can only develop it through experience. So open yourself to the experience of life.

Speak your truth.

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