Spencer’s Final Journey: A Heartwarming Pictorial of a Beloved Cat.

Experience the Bond between a Human and her Feline Companion.

Freda Savahl


January 2024 Nyssa says goodbye to her cat Spencer. Author’s photo.

It’s been a while since the two friends captured a moment together. Their last photo was back in January 2024, just before Nyssa left for overseas studies. It’s always bittersweet to remember and realize how much time has passed since then.

Day before departure, Nyssa spends the day with her kitty. 01/24. Author’s photo.

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Nyssa and Spencer spent a lovely day together before her flight. She read to him and filled him in on all her exciting plans while Spencer purred contentedly and kneaded his little paws in his cozy spot.

Night before Nyssa’s departure she feels sad and caresses Spencer January 2024. Author’s photo.

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Nyssa is facing the challenge of leaving Spencer again for two years, and her fear of losing him is real. However, she finds solace in her mother’s promise to take care of Spencer, and she is determined to make the most of the time she has with him before she leaves.



Freda Savahl

Retired Nurse Practitioner WHC /Contract Provider Deployment Military Services. US Citizen. Immigrant from South Africa 1978.