Spirit in a Material World

Yolanda Fleming, a writer and musician from New Jersey

Yolanda Fleming


Illustration by Cad Phillian

Have We Met?

I’m Yolanda Fleming, a writer and musician from New Jersey. You know me. I’m the best friend you’ve never had but have always wanted. I am open. I see the humor in everything. I never stop asking questions or gathering information that I’ll share with you in long rambling pages that will either strike you funny or make you cry, depending upon which way our pendulums are swinging at that moment. My questions are born of the awareness that we can both learn from the answers and our interpretation of them.

When we first meet I’ll recognize you immediately and though you may not realize it, you will quickly agree that it feels like we’ve known each other for years. And the nature or reason for our connection, which is always about some degree or another of love for the sake of learning, is often disguised as other themes entirely. If we can agree on what’s funny, we’ll be friends forever.

The moment I deem you unforgettable, which is likely when we part ways, I’ll memorialize your essence in my short stories where pieces of you will remain, beyond the scope of our physical distance and long after the death of our exteriors. And then, of course, we’ll meet again under different circumstances and do some version of it…



Yolanda Fleming

I am the author of a novel, a true story of a Mexican restaurateur, and the marketing manager of a NJ hospital. Visit YolandaFleming.com