Ready To Grasp A Rare Opportunity To Instigate Lasting Change?

All actions in your life are “spiritual” ones

Gregory Reece-Smith


Grasp Your Opportunity To Change — Brett Jordan, Unsplash

All souls reach out to grasp the experiences they are seeking. This is how each soul meets its objective of continual expansion. Either an event to do so “appears” or, challenges are created which do so.

Both represent opportunities to experience some of the greatest spiritual growth possible. Meditating on a yoga mat is easy. Though not so easy to be kind when you are angry, frustrated or sad.

Much less trying to consciously make a different decision about how you respond to someone or an event which has triggered your emotions.

Are You Self-sabotaging Your Life?

The reality is all of the actions in your life are “spiritual” ones. Sometimes something as simple as cleaning your desk or your room to pave the way to receive and create something different can be an act of faith and spiritual growth.

To me these simple actions are becoming more influential in the way we allow ourselves to grow.


Because humanity is on a path to leave the complexity created by the mind for the simplicity of the soul.

As we are all unique, so it is different for each of us.

There is a mass of information available guiding us as to what you need to do to activate your soul purpose, your manifesting powers, holding your good vibrations, connecting to Source, trusting yourself and your intuition. Most, if not all, of that information is “right”

…for some people.

How do you know what is right for you?

As humans we are capable of changing whenever we so choose. Though most of us need a touch of divine intervention to make those changes last. This is almost to be expected. Should you want to eat a healthier diet, yet resist building the motivation to actually eat a healthy diet — what will be the outcome?

We are creating a form of self-sabotage.

Now is one of the moments in human evolution to identify all those actions you have been putting off. In Tarot, the symbol is breaking the Tower we have built to restrain ourselves.

We state verbally and mentally we want to be healthy or change careers or do whatever with our lives, however we remain in our comfort zone.

Which makes changing our life, even for the better, scary. Really all we are doing is locking ourselves in a Tower of our own making.

Do You Run Or Fight?

Are you ready to grasp the opportunity to make today the day you demolish your Tower?

Can you muster the courage and strength to choose to lead life the way you want it? To take that leap of faith and actually change your life for the better?

Most people miss the key factor about manifestation. That you have to take responsibility for where you currently are in your life. Only then can you manifest the life your soul desires to experience — the very reason it incarnated.

Without accountability, how will you ever know what needs to be addressed in order to live in your full potential?

This is not an easy task. For our brains are wired with fight or flight reactions. Meaning that should your brain register any kind of threat ahead, you will either be triggered to fight it or run away.

Many I have spoken to admit their life has been a series of flights from addressing their inner wounds. In essence it felt too painful to do so. Their Lifeguard, their unconscious mind viewing it as safer” to run than address the wound.

Use today to identify your own restrictions so you can see exactly where you are holding yourself back.

You may find yourself feeling trapped. Using statements such as: “I just can’t stand another day at that office”, or “My body is aching everywhere, I really should join that class/start eating healthily”.

It is your choice whether or not you grasp change. Which means accepting responsibility it is you who is holding back from changing into the person you really desire to be.

We become afraid to try anything which does not have a guaranteed result, which might lead to failure — whatever that means. Or, could lead to us being judged by others.

Grasp Your Adventure

It is not that we necessarily work to stay safe and in our own lane. Too often when we have even a glimpse of a place where we do not know what we do not know, we move instinctively away. Never becoming conscious of the avoidance choice(s) or action(s) we took.

When people ask me what to do with their “negative” emotions around not knowing the next step to take, the solution I direct them to is not controlling or even treating the emotions being felt. They are valid and exist.

Instead, I point towards a skillset they had when they were young — to adventure. This we grew through our childhood. We then set it aside as we entered pre-puberty and started learning how to interconnect with others. Leaving it as a memory rather than a tool in our arsenal of life skills.

Any adventuring we might do in adult life is focused on finding a career, a job, or a profession which supports and define us. Becoming a survival skill rather than a means to expand in unknown ways. Losing the joy in it and replacing it with the anxiety, fear, and dis-comfort which comes with the dangerous unknown.

Adventuring is part remembering life is not all or nothing. Learning is not about being perfect, being right first time, or forcing yourself to follow through on something once you started.

Rather the adventure of life states the more you participate, the more you gain from it. Especially as it is not a scripted, hermetically controlled, objective to be achieved. It just needs us to grasp its journey.

There is no certainty as to the nature of the outcome. Which we can change easily as at the moment each of us several timelines in play.

Your Soul Knows What Is Best For You, Do Not Fight It!

We can hop from one to another to find which gives us the most joy — a vibration higher than love.

On the way you might uncover more of your buried experiences, those you would rather not talk about. For how else can you truly know yourself?

When we run from something out of fear, we are more likely to self-sabotage the very aspects of our lives we have been working hard to manifest.

To avoid doing this, take a moment to consider the big picture.

Everything you want is on the other side of your fear.

Sometimes, as we are stepping into our true purpose, certain situations appear to help us step up to the next level of our lives.

There are those who will naturally try to go around the step, sit in the same place, or even try to bulldoze through it. None of these approaches is effective in facing challenges.

As with anything, your strength grows on every occasion you face more of life´s hurdles. That way you will become more and more comfortable jumping freely over them.

Understanding yourself, knowing your abilities, gifts and skills and areas of opportunity can make the “training” much easier.

Whether you are ready to grasp the opportunity to initiate the lasting change your soul is yearning for is your choice. As it is to face your shadow work. Either way, will reveal much about you, and the direction you are heading.

This will help you learn how to put your needs first and courageously pursue your own objectives, not those of others. That is how you will serve yourself rather than just pleasing yourself.

More about the influence of emotions on lasting change in our life can be read in:

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Daily Action:

Three exercises I recommend when trying to instigate lasting change are:

  1. Adventure out, take a moment to connect with Nature. Allow it to guide you to step out of your head. Watch for any signs as you ask for guidance as to the planned change.
  2. Feel into your body as to where any resistance to the change is present. Ask what is it seeking by resisting the change. Implement where practicable.
  3. Allow yourself to acknowledge you do not and never will know everything. Accordingly, look over the horizon and have the courage to step toward the adventure that beckons.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this story to others you love.

To Grasp Your Lasting Change


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker, and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. Gregory´s mission is to inspire others to lead, find their inner strength, and connect feelings they may have repressed. Upsetting people´s beliefs so they have freedom to accelerate their life and so their business.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

More insights are on: shamanicceo.com.



Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.