Spiritual Self-Love:

Ntathu Allen (she/her)
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2020


How to be Good to Yourself (Loving Kindness Meditation)

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

What Does Self-Love Mean?

Spiritual self-love is all about being good to yourself, learning to be comfortable in your skin; to love, honour, appreciate and accept all of yourself… The “good parts” and the “not-so-good parts.”

It is to smile in the mirror, love your reflection, hug yourself and quietly accept and know that you will get through all difficulties with grace.

Why Do We Struggle With Self-Love?

Most women are so focused on caring and tending to others, we forget to put our needs on the table, we eat last, we say “you go first, I’m OK”, and pick up the groceries on the way home after a demanding day at work (pre-Co-vid 19).

How to Practice Self-Love and Care

two smiling happy women holding each other
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

What if we didn’t do that?

What if we didn’t put ourselves last and practiced self-love and care?

What if we restructured our day to tend to our needs first, to take the first breath and allow it to



Ntathu Allen (she/her)

Start your day with self-love and inner calm. Sign up for your free set of 21 Affirmations for Self-Love & Healing =>bit.ly/42g2MF5 *