
A free verse

Saloni Joshi
1 min readJul 27, 2020


Photo by 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash

The curtain rose,
and the show began:
A performance of the chronicles of Life — 
Insecurity and Confidence
fighting for Spotlight,
‘will I be able to do this?
or I will do this!’
how ‘good’ is
‘good enough’?
even the indecisiveness;
allowing detractors to sway Confidence,

The moment of hesitation
before every act;
slowly turned into certainty,
embracing all imperfections,
with the entry of new characters:
Morale and Self-esteem
Life’s theatrical reached a climax,
Confidence having more characters
to back her up,
learned to deal with Insecurity,
to keep her in undertones,
and live Life with confident overtones!

Thank you for reading!



Saloni Joshi

A doctor by profession, an Eye Surgeon in the making, a bookworm at heart and an avid reader; unleashing my cumulonimbus thoughts in the form of prose & poetry!