Spring Stirs the Blood

Spring’s Warm Embrace and Its Soothing Effects on the Soul, Poetic Prose

Antonio Segovia, MD.


Photo by Cole Keister on Unsplash

Something is not so wondrous as Spring when light unfurls its gentle hands wide. The cherry blossoms paint the wind. A tide of fragrance lifts the spirits, letting them sing. The days stretch forth, and the sun, with a warmer ring, bestows new energy where it once hid. Minds, once gloomy, now stride forward, embracing the joy that only Spring can bring.

What is this light that pierces through the melancholy? It is a touch of Earth’s renewal, a clear and bold womb. Rise, take it, and let it flourish before the fleeting youth turns old. Every heart and room has fresh stories of revival to be told.

The laughter of the brooks and the brightening sky are not just sights but balm to weary souls. Where winter’s grip relaxes, Spring extols its tender mercies, under which we lie. The social gatherings where connections tie and hearts grow fonder, playing newfound roles. In Spring’s embrace, each troubled spirit controls its darker parts, with hopes that it never dies.

What is this warmth that thaws the frozen tear? It is a signal sent from seasons past, and hence to start anew, where flowers interfere with melancholy, granting recompense. In every bloom, a smile appears — Spring’s covenant, its soothing, sweet incense.



Antonio Segovia, MD.

Physician. Media and Journalism specialist. Scientific disclosure. Medicine, Mental Health, Psychology, Inspiration, Philosophy, Culture, Poetry, Books, Sports.