Squidward Tentacles: The True Star of Bikini Bottom

When Life’s Reality Sounds Like a Clarinet

Kelly Serra


100% energy. 0% personal space awareness. Photo by Marjan Blan on Unsplash.

Many of us grew up watching "SpongeBob SquarePants" and naturally fell in love with the optimistic and bubbly nature of the yellow protagonist. Quick question: Ever found yourself relating more to Squidward as you got older?

You’re not alone!

However, as we age and face the challenges of adulthood, it's hard not to feel a deeper connection with another character: Squidward Tentacles. Think about it - haven't you ever had a day where all you wanted was a moment of peace, only to be interrupted by the world's very own version of SpongeBob?

I remember, as a child, thinking that Squidward was just a grumpy neighbor who never let SpongeBob and Patrick have any fun. Can you relate? Today, I realize that Squidward is actually a reflection of many of us. He's someone who longs for peace, tranquility, and, above all, some control over the order of his life.

Squidward embodies the quest for a moment of quiet after a long day's work. Hands up if you've dreamed of coming home, snuggling on the couch, and enjoying a bit of peace and silence? 🙋‍♂️ Yet, poor Squidward hardly gets a chance to do that before SpongeBob comes knocking on his door with some mischief.



Kelly Serra

From Rio to Finland's chill. Marketer, "sometimes-writer", traveler, mom, social volunteer, entrepreneur. Join my world of stories & experiences! 🐾💌