Stacking the Odds in Your Favor: Unpacking the Speed of the Execution Stack

LIFO, RAM, and CPU: The Winning Formula for Speedy Program Execution

Mohit Mishra
6 min readApr 7, 2024


Ah, the classic LIFO approach — where the last one in is the first one out. It's a bit like a chaotic line at a coffee shop, wouldn’t you say? ☕️ But before we go headfirst into this stack of topics, perhaps a gentle introduction is in order?

Let’s clarify which stack we’re scaling, shall we? Is it the digital data structure or a pile of something more tangible?

Stack is not just for storing data, folks! Today, we’re getting into the lightning-fast world of execution stacks — where operations happen so quickly, you might just miss them if you blink.

Execution stacks are sometimes referred as hardware or program stacks.

The Prime Real Estate of the Execution Stack

Imagine having your workspace right next to where you need to be; this is the execution stack’s advantage. Unlike its data structure cousins, which may reside on slower hard drives or even SSDs, the execution stack occupies prime real estate in the computer’s main memory — RAM. This translates into lightning-fast access, which is critical for program execution speed.

Consider RAM to be a bustling city center where everything moves at warp speed. Hard drives and SSDs, on the other hand, are like the suburbs — quieter and more spacious, but with longer commute times. The time it takes to retrieve information from RAM is measured in nanoseconds, whereas accessing data from a hard drive can take milliseconds — a factor of several orders of magnitude!

Built for Speed: LIFO and the Art of Efficiency

The execution stack’s structure is another factor influencing its speed. It works on the LIFO principle (Last In, First Out), much like a stack of plates. The last plate you place on top is the first you remove. This simple principle results in highly efficient operations:

  • Push: Adding an item to the stack is similar to placing a plate on top. It’s a simple operation that involves updating the stack pointer to the next available memory location.
  • Pop: Removing an item is as efficient as taking off the top plate. The stack pointer has been adjusted, and the data is now easily accessible.

Furthermore, the CPU directly manages the stack pointer, eliminating the need for sophisticated data structure management algorithms. This direct control improves the speed and efficiency of stack operations.

Image Source: Wikipedia

Choreography of Efficiency and Control

Consider the execution stack as a well arranged stack of plates, with each plate standing in for a function call. Stack frames are these “plates” that contain the necessary components for a function to run, such as local variables, parameters, and the return address, which serves as a marker for where the function should continue to run after it has finished.

Similar to adding a new plate to the pile, a new stack frame is deposited on top of the stack when a program calls a function. The function’s execution has begun with this “push” operation. The frame neatly arranges local variables and parameters, giving the function a dedicated workspace.

The function that corresponds to it is “popped,” or removed from the stack, after it has completed its task. This is like taking off the top plate to see what’s underneath. After that, the program continues to run smoothly by starting up again at the return address that was saved inside the popped frame.

A dedicated register in the CPU called the stack pointer acts as a watchful guide by consistently pointing to the top of the stack. It follows the most recent stack frame addition like a vigilant eye. The stack pointer moves up and down in an efficient manner, managing the allocation and deallocation of memory within the stack, because each frame has a predetermined size depending on the requirements of the function.

OS and System Calls: A Collaborative Dance

A system call is made by a program to communicate with the operating system (OS), serving as an interface between the user program and the OS kernel’s privileged operations. Tasks like reading files, writing to the screen, and allocating memory are all included in system calls.

The program’s execution context, which includes the current stack frame, is momentarily saved during a system call, and the OS kernel gains control. After carrying out the requested action, the kernel carefully restores the program’s context, enabling it to run again without any issues.

Every process’s memory management, including the assignment of a particular area for the execution stack, is largely under the control of the operating system. It makes sure the program stays inside the boundaries allotted to it and doesn’t access memory that isn’t meant for it.

A segmentation fault, however, happens when a program tries to read or write data that is not in its allotted memory. In our stack analogy, this is like reaching for a plate that doesn’t exist. This causes a critical error, which usually ends the program suddenly. Segmentation errors can occur in a number of ways:

  • Stack Overflow: Trying to push a new stack frame causes a segmentation fault when the stack grows too quickly and fills up more memory than it is allotted.
  • Invalid Memory Access: A segmentation fault occurs when you attempt to access memory that has either been deallocated or is not part of the program.

External Fragmentation: The Memory Puzzle

Memory management is made more difficult by external fragmentation, especially when dealing with lengthy programs. It happens when the available memory splits up into tiny, dispersed chunks, making it challenging to allocate larger, continuous chunks even when there is enough free memory overall. If there are only tiny spaces between the plates that are currently in our stack, try fitting a large rectangular plate onto it.

Memory compaction and paging are two of the memory management strategies used by the OS to address external fragmentation. While paging divides memory into fixed-size blocks to allow for more efficient allocation, compaction involves rearranging memory blocks to create larger contiguous spaces.

Focused and Fast

The execution stack remains laser-focused on the current function or task at hand. It eliminates the burden of managing a large, complex data structure, making context switching and function calls simple. This is similar to having a clean and organized workspace: everything you need is easily accessible, and there is no clutter to slow you down.

A Symphony of Speed and Efficiency

The execution stack’s remarkable speed is due to a number of factors, including its prime location in RAM, the simplicity of the LIFO structure, direct CPU management, and focused scope. These components work together to ensure that programs run smoothly and efficiently, making the execution stack an important part of modern computing.

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