Standing Next to a Father as He Tells His Son Goodbye

We took his son to jail for committing murder; it was heartbreaking talking with him as we did.

R. Scott


Photo by Alfaz Sayed on Unsplash

As I stood next to him, listening to him slowly speak, I saw a single tear fall from his eye.

Arresting his son

Looking for a violent gang member who was wanted for a violent murder, we hit a Lodi, California house. Entering the place, we first encountered the family innocently living their daily life. Mom was in the kitchen, making tamales, dad and younger siblings in the living room watching television. Grandma was out back, tending the stove to steam the tamales.

As we entered the house in full raid gear, handguns, and rifles out, yelling as we entered for everyone to get on the ground, I noticed the shock and disbelief on their faces as each was handcuffed face down for safety. We methodically moved through the house, carefully ensuring not only our safety but that of the innocent people and the suspect.

We found him in his bedroom, hiding the gun that was used to take another life. He was angry and did not go easily, as many violent gang members do. As we handcuffed him and led him out to the living room, he grew more furious as he saw that his entire family had also been…



R. Scott

As a former Federal Agent, Gang Expert, Restaurant Owner, and Father, I have stories to share. Enjoy my journey. Contact me on Facebook, I like to chat.