Standing Still, a Bat on My Shoulder

Because I asked for this transformation

Keri Mangis
Published in
4 min readApr 21, 2021


Last night, I dreamt of bats.

For most people, I suppose, that sounds like a nightmare. But for me, the bats were a welcome sight.

By that, I don’t mean that I was completely comfortable around the bats. They weren’t like dogs or cats. In the dream, I still hesitated to go into the room with the bats, asking others to go ahead of me. But once I was in the darkened, attic room with the bats flying all around, I settled in to watch their magnificence. Even when three of them landed on my shoulder, I stood still, letting them be their full bat selves, and whisper to me in their bat voices.

I say the bats were a welcome sight because their appearance told me I’m receiving exactly what I have been asking the Universe for: transformation. When you consciously ask the Universe to put you into the crucible for transformation, you can’t be surprised when bats show up in your dreams.

Bats are often misunderstood, associated with disease, madness, and vampires. But they are powerful symbols that bring us important messages of change, transformation (the vampires!), and rebirth. They tell us we are opening to a new power, a new skin.



Keri Mangis

I am author and speaker, dedicated to getting out (and staying out) of Plato’s Cave of shadows and deception. Hope to bring a few people with me.