Stars Above

May SCWBI Challenge #29 — A Haiku

Bob Jasper


Photo by Juskteez Vu on Unsplash

The heavens above
Filled with so many bright stars
Starry night tonight

I wish I had a photo of it — the scene would put the above photo to shame. My wife and I were driving through the mountains of northern California, returning to my parents’ home on Lake Almanor one night many years ago.

It had been snowing, but the storm had moved on leaving a foot or so of fresh snow. I’d stopped to put tire chains on my little Austin Healey Sprite.

I looked up through the clear mountain air, and between the tops of the tall fir trees that bordered the highway, I could see millions of stars spread out above me in a vast arc across the heavens. I’d lived in the mountains most of my life, but this was the most breath-taking sight I’d ever seen.

Now, 50 years later, I’m still struck by the enchanting magic of that scene.

Thanks Amy Marley, for once again leading off the day’s challenge. To quote Amy:

“Starry Night” — today’s prompt from the 31 days of May challenge being run by SCBWI West (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) …if anybody feels like participating, join in as you please.



Bob Jasper

My Muse is in hiding, but we cross paths from time to time. I think I gave the old guy too much grief. Maybe he quit without notice.