Start as You Mean to Go On: Wake Up Happy

Doing good things in the morning sets you up for a better day

Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2022


Wake up happy girl on beach during dawn hands waving in the air she looks happy pretending to balance walking and having fun
Photo by Colin + Meg on Unsplash

Make a deal with yourself and do good things first thing.

Starting off right helps your momentum for the rest of the day.


If you are the type, who jumps out of bed as soon as your eyes open, dashing to the kitchen, try eating something filling which won’t get you looking for more soon. Eat things for breakfast such as granola or muesli, oats, porridge, or yoghurt.

Boxed and sugary cereals only give a temporary high. As above, complex sugars are the best if you need a sweet start.

If you prefer a savoury non-sweet start to the day, all the better! Try toast (with avocado, a yeast-extract spread, or both!)

The day’s first glucose helps relieve irritation and brain fog from overnight fasting.


Avoid laying in bed, scrolling through the news and social media sites on your phone, and checking for emails as soon as you open your eyes. They could contain bad vibes. Save this for later after your coffee.

Instead, get up, sit by a window, get some early UV exposure, and drink your morning cuppa (tea…




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